Areas of Work: Through the implementation of Relief, Advocacy and Development key programs & interventions, OAA partners with local faith-based organizations
Our partnerships help define how we do things differently. OAA works and strengthens its local partners to lead sustainable changes in their communities. We strongly believe that our ministry’s success is hinged on relationships. This is what gives our work meaning. By working through local partners, OAA has proven to have the greatest sustainable impact by sharing knowledge, skills, and tools, while ensuring empowerment, capacity building, and addressing real needs of the communities and challenges. OAA has built a strong network of local partners, including faith-based development partners (FBOs) in Latin America and the Caribbean. Over 30 years OAA has strengthened civil society organizations to manage humanitarian aid and development initiatives for vulnerable populations, including in countries with authoritarian governments such as Cuba. FBOs can be a platform for social mobilization. Churches bring people together in ways no other organization can. They are close to the people they serve and foster committed relationships
We partner with local organizations including FBOs to help vulnerable and disadvantaged children and families to alleviate their suffering and improve their dignity and quality of life. FBOs play a crucial role in community service delivery, civil society development, and even political reform that advances democracy. FBOs provide services that the government cannot, or may not for budgetary reasons, and are permanently embedded in communities, and offer the best solutions for sustainability managing programs for vulnerable youth, elderly & the disabled care, and others.
Key Goals
- Provide leadership and organizational capacity to local faith-based partners.
- Provide interfaith dialogue and networking opportunities for local faith-based partners and North American donors and service providers.
- Expand the number of implementing partners for violence prevention in Central America.
- Strengthen our relationship and build trust with our in-kind goods and services support partners.
- Create strategic agreements for key initiatives with non-profit and corporate partners to accomplish our mission.

Each year, we have strengthened our humanitarian aid and in-kind partnerships with Feed My Starving Children, Mathew 25 Ministries, Feeding the Nations, Harvest international, T.E.C.H. and ACCORD by transporting over dehydrated meal packs to meet the needs of people living in poverty in the Americas, using the meals as a vehicle to spread hope and the importance of having a relationship with the Lord.