Financial Accountability Statement

Our Pledge to you

OAA strives to ensure that all fundraising efforts clearly portray the purpose of the funds to be raised and that all contributions received are used for those specific purposes.

OAA voluntarily submits to an annual audit by an independent public accounting firm. Financial statements are presented in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles.

Expansion of the organization is conditional in that 85 cents (85%) of every dollar donated must go to programs. We are committed to good stewardship of the funds entrusted to us by our friends and donors, and promise to use gifts wisely and effectively.

Key Goals

  • Develop stronger donor relationships
  • Private donors contribute 50% of the budget.
  • Increase revenue donations by 5% over last year.
  • Conduct target strategic fundraising events to raise funds for programs.


OAA protects the privacy of our donors by not marketing our mailing list (See our “Privacy Policy” below). OAA also commits to posting its latest IRS 990 report, financial statements, as well as any attestation letters provided by our auditors, on our website and updating the information annually. Additionally, OAA requires all board members and employees to abide by a conflict of interest policy that encourages high standards of ethics and integrity.


OAA is accredited by the Evangelical Council for Financial Accountability (ECFA) and by Ministry Ventures as tangible evidence to donors that the ministry adheres to the highest standards of Christian ethics in financial accountability and reporting. OAA is also accredited by BBB Wise Giving Alliance Accreditation Standards and by the Independent Charities of America. Each conducts rigorous evaluations of our organization’s governance, finances, fundraising practices, website disclosure, and donor privacy.

"OAA's commitment is that at least 85% of every donation must go to programs"